Trump Never Forgets

So we are deep into the first year of a Presidency that I thought would never happen. I believe my words were that we were not collectively stupid enough to allow it.  I was wrong and the stupidity and the selfishness and the pettiness of this Presidency is astounding. He revels in crowd size and thinks even flood victims gather because he is there… “what a turnout”.

I thought about why after criticizing Obama on vacation time, his followers don’t mind that he takes more time off in multiples and spends more money than any previous President. Why they don’t mind that even as he does spend the money they were so concerned about during the Obama Presidency like a drunken sailor, he is actually spending that money on his own resorts and self dealing in the most transparent way possible.

I wonder how any thinking person, after criticizing his predecessor over the use of executive orders, could set records on using executive orders to get things done, or as is the case with this particular President, to get them undone. The answer is that he does not care what anything looks like, or actually is. He acts as a child does, with nothing in mind but the immediate gratification which the act brings. Oh, and vindictiveness which guides him when all else fails.

This moment, in 2011 guides much of what he has done, and why he is undoing anything he possibly can which points back to President Obama. Trump NEVER forgets a slight. He still talks about the size of his hands. He still talks about the size of his “win”. He still talks about the size of his crowd at the inauguration, and Hurricane Harvey…

I know he still thinks of this moment, and he is the first POTUS to skip this dinner.

2011 Whitehouse Correspondents dinner

A normal person would have taken to that stage and returned fire with better comedy, if that was possible. They did roast him good. Note that he was the only one not laughing. I wonder if he will ever attend this dinner in the future, as President or after the fact. Which could be sooner than his blind followers hope.

This was the moment he thought about as he went after health care, undid protections of national wilderness areas, revoked protections for children of immigrants and trans gendered soldiers. He is trying to erase the legacy of his predecessor and the racists who love him and would, even if he shot someone in the middle of 5th avenue, have no problem with that. He is petty and foolish, selfish and bigoted, and his treatment of anyone who is not rich white and male is abhorrent. To paraphrase Re. Hunter, he may be an asshole, but he’s their asshole… Well they can keep him. Or, at the least, they can have him back when Mueller is done with him.